Galvanised Wire Netting & Wire Fencing

We are one of the leading suppliers of galvanised wire netting and wire fencing. We regularly supply to Fish Farms, Fisheries, Poultry and Game Farms.

At Collins Nets we pride ourselves on being netting specialists. All of our galvanised wire netting we stock is galvanised after manufacture for the best quality. It is popular with gamekeepers for building release pens and can also be used as rabbit wire or chicken wire.

Our smaller mesh sizes are ideal to keep away vermin. This is why it is often used on the bottom of a release pen. Whereas our heavier wire has proven very popular for making pen sections.

We have a range of sizes available to suit different budgets and qualities required. We also stock a selection of wire fencing accessories, including hog rings, hog ring pliers and straining wire. Hopefully we can help all your wire netting requirements – any questions just gives us a call! 01308 485422.