Beating on a Shoot Day

Beaters are a vital part of the team to any successful shoot day.

Without the beating team on a shoot day the birds wouldn’t get flushed from the cover or flagged high for the Guns.

Beaters are led by the Gamekeeper or Underkeeper through woodland or cover crops to flush the birds in the direction of the Guns using sticks/ whistles/ noise. Beaters will also often be required to stand in the open and flag the birds higher so they are a more challenging shot for the Guns.

Dogs can also be used on the beating line, depending on the rules of the shoot. They will need to be steady and under control. The best beating dogs should have no interest in retrieving.

Do not assume your dog will be welcome on every shoot!

Top Tips for Beating on a Shoot Day.

beater flags

Beating Equipment checklist:

For your dog:

For the beater:

For the picking team:

Featured products

Further reading

March 16, 2021
November 2, 2021